Thursday, April 18, 2024

यहां बताया गया है कि कैसे पटना में आधारित एक टियर 2 स्टार्टअप, सम्मान...

अगली बार जब आप पटना जाएँ और लाल और काले रंग की पोशाक पहने रिक्शा चालकों से मिलें, जिनके रिक्शा सुंदर, विशाल विज्ञापनों से...

Here’s Why You May Have Lifelong Immunity Against COVID-19 After Recovery/Taking The Vaccine

Since the onset of the pandemic in 2020, scientists have tried to understand the extent of immunity one may gain after recovering from the...
kannada google

This Indian Language Trends As ‘Ugliest Language In India’ On Google

The language of any community is something that is a point of pride for them. It is something that connects them, that makes the...

June: An Important Month In LGBTQ History – Here’s Why

By Rachana Premanand To everyone wondering what the rainbow-coloured flags, "Happy Pride" wishes, virtual pride campaigns and parades are about, here it is. Every year, the...

Things Best Done When In 20s: A List

Most of us have now crossed the 20-age mark and some of us are midway too. Here’s a list of things which an individual...

1 करोड़ भारतीय बेरोजगार, रिपोर्ट के अनुसार दूसरी लहर में 97% परिवारों की आय...

भारत पिछले काफी समय से कोरोनावायरस की दूसरी लहर से जूझ रहा है। चूंकि कोविड-19 के कारण मामलों और मौतों की संख्या तेजी से...

Is Family Responsible For Shaping Our Mindset Or Society?

By Vidya Arasu Many things come and go. Good health, sickness, love, joy, internal peace, technology, movies. However, some things remain stubbornly prevalent- like gender bias,...

यहां बताया गया है कि रिकवरी / वैक्सीन लेने के बाद आपके पास कोविड-19...

2020 में महामारी की शुरुआत के बाद से, वैज्ञानिकों ने यह समझने की कोशिश की है कि बीमारी से उबरने या वायरस के खिलाफ...

One Major Life Hack We Learnt From Sushmita Sen On Dealing With Bad Things...

We all go through our share of bad days when we feel down, dejected, and dispirited. Be it the pain of being lied to,...

QuoraED: How Can I Let Go Of Things That Hurt Me Emotionally?

QuoraED! This is when we pick up a trending or interesting thread from Quora and spin a story around it. The biggest struggle of this...

आपके साथ हो रही बुरी चीजों से निपटने के लिए सुष्मिता सेन से हमने...

हम सभी अपने बुरे दिनों से गुजरते हैं जब हम निराश महसूस करते हैं। चाहे झूठ बोलने का दर्द हो, दिल टूटने का दर्द...

Keeping A Vigilant Eye On Your Emotions Is An Effective Way To Keep Mental...

It is not uncommon to hear people casually throw around medical terms like ‘depression’, ‘bipolar’ and several others. “I keep organizing and re-organizing my...

In Pics: Street Art Is Bringing Bengaluru Neighbourhood Alive

There are many varieties of visual art, and one of them is Street art. What does street art mean, and how is it different...

Set Aside Netflix & Cooking, Prepare For Third Wave Boredom In These New Ways

The third wave of the COVID-19 virus may very well be on its way as we still ready ourselves to penetrate out of the...

कैसे जेन-ज़ी का अवसाद को सोशल मीडिया पर रोमानी बनाना क्लिनिकली डिप्रेस्ड लोगों को...

जब मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को रोमानी बनाने की बात आती है तो सोशल मीडिया की कोई सीमा नहीं होती है। जेन ज़ी ने मानसिक स्वास्थ्य...

मिलेनियल की गलतियाँ जिनसे बचने के लिए जेन ज़ी ने योजना बनाई है

जनरेशन ज़ी को 1990 के दशक के मध्य और 2000 के दशक के मध्य में पैदा हुए लोगों द्वारा परिभाषित किया गया है। यह...

रिसर्चड: अमीर लोग कम दयालु, कम सहानुभूति वाले, अधिक समालोचनात्मक होते है, अध्ययन साबित...

यह सोचना कि गरीब लोगों के धोखा देने की और दूसरों की कम परवाह करने की संभावना अधिक होती है आसान होता है, है...

ब्रेकफास्ट बैबल: सब पता नहीं होना ठीक क्यों है?

ब्रेकफास्ट बैबल ईडी का अपना छोटा सा स्थान है जहां हम विचारों पर चर्चा करने के लिए इकट्ठा होते हैं। हम चीजों को भी...

How Gen-Z Romanticising Depression Across Social Media Discredits Clinically Depressed People? 

Social media has no bounds when it comes to romanticising mental health. GenZ blurred the lines between destigmatizing and romanticising mental health issues. They...

Here’s How The Ouija Board Came Into Existence

If you’re a fan of horror films and supernatural elements, you must be aware of the Ouija Board, a popular ‘game’ used to supposedly...

Millennial Mistakes That Gen Z Plan To Avoid

Generation Z is defined by the people born between the mid-1990s and mid-2000s. This puts the age of the generation between 15 to 25...

ResearchED: Rich People Are Less Kind, Less Empathetic, More Judgemental, Studies Prove

Thinking that poor people are more likely to cheat and care less about others is easier, right? Whereas, rich people are likely to be...

LivED It: Crazy Life Lessons I Got As A COVID Volunteer

Liv’ED It is an ED original style where we write about our personal experiences on experiencing and reviewing any app/place/website which gives us a...

ResearchED: Millennials Are The Best-Educated, Yet Worst Paid Generation, According To The New...

Millennials are highly educated but unfortunately, they don’t earn as much as people belonging to different generations. According to the New York Times reports,...

Breakfast Babble: Why Is It Okay To Not Have It All Figured Out?

Breakfast Babble: ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up for the day. We judge...

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