I know it would be a cliché to say that I’m a F.R.I.E.N.D.S maniac, fanatic and aficionado. But then who doesn’t say that.

There are two types of people—the people who have watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S and the other not so blessed souls who yet haven’t. There is no third type, you’ll never meet a person who has watched it and disliked.

It has taught us many lessons of life through its comic and didactic themes.

As the characters in this sitcom grew while overcoming their vulnerabilities, we grew.

After watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S, your propriety and attitude will change, your mistakes would not distress you and you’ll become biased towards the ones who have watched it.

But the life of a person who hasn’t yet watched this show isn’t the same to that of us. Their face didn’t light up like ours when we see a F.R.I.E.N.D.S post in our news feed.

Let’s see how much our life differs from that of a “normal person”.

Read More: QuoraED: What Would The Eleventh Season Of FRIENDS Be Like?

If you have some more points of differences, then tell us in the comments section but make sure that those aren’t moo points. ;) 

Graphics Credit: Nadiminti Sarvani

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